Two weekends ago, we decided to take Bowen camping at Fort Wilderness. We asked the Blairs to join us in so "roughing it" fun. This was an extra special treat as Bowen had Mom and Dad to himself. Caroline stayed behind with Mimi and Papa at the house. I'm sure she's the only one that got a good night's sleep.
The camping facilities were so clean, the weather was perfect low 70's, and we just couldn't have had a better time with Bowen. Wilson and Bowen LOVED it. We packed in the activities: setting up the camp site, playing in the splashgrounds, pony rides, bus rides, boat rides, and roasting smores with Chip and Dale. We had a blast. We can't wait to do it again (maybe when Caroline can enjoy it, too).
My good friend Abby took these gorgeous photos of Caroline. These are just two out of a load of beautiful shots! She's amazing with the camera!
Brantley and I question where this year went?!? She's almost ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Caroline is taking many steps around the house. She walks a bit, drops to her hands (staying on her feet), and then continues on her journey through the hosue. She couldn't be more excited about her new perspective on life. Now she can see what Bowen and Leroy can see:) "Watch out boys! Here I come!"
She's taking her first steps!!! Caroline has been taking one or 2 steps daily now for about a month. Slow progress, but she's figuring it all out and building confidence. She just looks so happy when she's standing up. We're excited for her! It's going to take Bowen a bit of adjusting. Caroline wants to be right next to Bowen and wants what he has.
Bowen has recently taken interest in dressing up and pretend time. Caroline and Bowen have a "joint" dress up trunk (as you can tell). In the following photos, Bowen is sporting an indian head-dress, pink tutu, Buzz Lightyear boots, and carrying a fairy halo. Nice look eh?
Brantley and I think we are so spoiled to live this close to the gates of the Disney parks. A typical Saturday morning sounds like...
Jenn: "What should we do today?" Brantley: "A park?" Bowen (listening in on our conversation): "Mickey Mouse!!!!" Jenn & Brantley: "okay...and we'll get back by naptime"
You just can't beat it!
Dancing in the parade Waving to Mickey Stroller for the kids Yelling "MICKEY MOUSE" on the tram
This little "What's inside?" box has a hole at the top and allows for Caroline's little hand to reach inside and pull out fuzzy little objects. It is her absolute FAVORITE toy right now. She pulls all of the objects out and squeals with glee. SQUEALS!!!! I refill the box and she starts all over. It just never gets old.
Caroline is 11 months today!!! Can you believe it??? We're still waiting on our sweetie pie to walk. Caroline crawls fast to her destination and then stands up (still, but up). She has quite the balance, but has only taken 2 steps for me. All I had to do was hold food in front of her. That seemed to work.
Thank goodness for my friend Abby and her camera!!! I have her to thank for all of our incredible pictures capturing Bowen's wonderful birthday party. The kids were in constant motion at his My Gym party. My photos are all a blur.
Bowen loved everything about his day. If you ask him what he liked most, he replies, "MY dinosaur cake". Then he goes on to talk about the puppet show, the zip cord, the sleigh ride, the running around.... He really enjoyed it and we loved every smile he had on his face throughout the party.