I've been very slack lately in regards to blog entries. Believe me, nothing is slowing down around here EXCEPT ME! Big old prego momma is moving at a snail's pace in the summer heat. I'm 30 weeks and 3 days pregnant. This pregnancy has been physically more challenging as Caroline and Bowen run circles around me. Davis is a mover and shaker just like his brother and sister. He's kicking, rolling, punching,and I believe he thinks my bladder is a mini bounce house. My doctor seems to think we should welcome Davis into the world two weeks early (like Caroline). Week 36 I'll have an ultrasound to see if he a big boy and schedule my induction accordingly.
Okay...what's up you may ask?!?
1. Bowen started school mid-Aug (3 day 3 year old program). He seems to love his teacher (Ms. Tomkins). 16 kids in his class and Bowen is one of 5 boys.
2. Caroline is climbing on EVERYTHING. She is my little stairmaster. If it can be climbed on, she's on top of it.
3. Shoe obsessed! Caroline is crazy about her shoes and at 15 months figured out (on her own) how to put on her sandals and flip flops. Now at 17 months she has figured out which shoes belong to each family member and will bring them to you through out the day.
4. Bowen the painter. Bowen is in to painting. Finger paint, painting with brushes, painting wood, painting paper, etc. Every day we paint while Caroline plays with my costume jewelry.
5. Bye bye Corolla!!!!!!! We sold Brantley's Corolla last weekend and have added a Honda Mini Van to our family. I LOVE MY MINI VAN. I never EVER thought I'd say those words. I think I told Brantley on our first date that I would NEVER EVER drive a mini van. Never say "NEVER":)
I'll post photos of our tots soon! Brantley has been using our computer at night to follow every website, update, newsflash, blog regarding his Florida State Seminoles. I fall asleep early each evening before he's done being a major big fan and never get to the computer to post these days.