"We" turns to "I" on Monday. Brantley heads back to work and I will navigate the day with the three kiddos. My mom is heading in town to try and help. Not sure when she is going to show up, but I might have to talk her in to coming on Sunday night:)
Check out just a few of the awesome photos that my friend Abby took of Davis. She's amazing and so is our little peanut. Davis has put himself on a schedule nursing every three hours (7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am). For every nursing there are a least one to two diaper changes in between. The little man can go! The only time he has trouble going back to sleep is at 4am. He must have chatted with Bowen and Caroline. They both did the same thing. Davis just needs some extra rocking and cuddle time and he passes out. It just takes some effort at 4am to get him back to bed.
Enjoy our photos!