Last Thursday we loaded up the car and headed toward Raleigh, NC to visit the Applegates(Chris, Kim, Maddy & Spencer). ALL week Bowen told EVERYONE (classmates, parents, teachers, cashier at Publix AND Target)that he was going to see Maddy. Maddy is almost 4 and Spencer is 5 months old. You will have to excuse this blog post because it is SOOOOO long!
I just couldn't resist posting a few of the TON of photos I took of our families having a great time. First...THANK YOU APPLEGATES for hosting the Overton Circus. We appreciate all of the accommodations and for making it possible for us to have an adult night out! YIPPEE!!!!
While in Raleigh we shopped, Brantley and Bowen caught a Virginia Tech game at Duke, we went to a farm, the kids made Halloween crafts, decorated cookies, trick-or-treated, and played hard. Oh yes, and again, the adults had a double date night:)
Caroline is every bit a dress up queen since our trip to Raleigh. After hanging out with Maddy, all she wants to do is dress up in princess dresses. ADORABLE!
Again, thank you Chris & Kim!
A few photos by the river at our stop over in Savannah.

Brantley, Bowen, Chris and Maddy headed to a Virginia Tech vs Duke game during our visit to Raleigh.
Maddy and Bowen gearing up for their first college football game. Caroline posing in Maddy's Tangled dress (she couldn't get enough of)

Ready for a trip to Hill Ridge Farm
Sweet Spencer

Little Maze

Playing in the corn

Train ride

The Giant Slide!


Pumpkin pick'n

Ahhhh Overtons in the Fall

Our munchkins

Spencer and Davis take a wagon ride around the neighborhood.

Bowen even got to get in on some leaf raking action. Now THIS is Fall!

A quick photo before trick-or-treating. The couch photo was impossible!

Rain or shine, we were getting some CANDY!!!