We could not have been more excited and curious about Bowen's 2 1/2 year old preschool Christmas program. His teachers sent home a list of songs in hopes that their little students would be more pollished come December 17th. At home, Bowen hummed the songs with which words he struggled and belted out songs he knew and loved. He even combined his singing talents with his guitar skills and drumming act. I LOVE IT!!!!
When I heard that the kids would be standing on stage for 10 songs my stomach turned. I could not imagine Bowen standing in front of a large crowd (not at all his thing) and singing for others' entertainment for that time spand. Well, we could not have been more impressed with his performance. No smile, no singing, but our little man stood still for a total of 10 minutes. We were blown away!!!!
Following the performance Bowen melted down in tears and stated, "that was so scary"!!!!

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