Bowen still loves himself some monster trucks. This OBSESSION has lasted at least 2 years now. We wouldn't dare think of missing a Monster Jam. This year Bowen went with a group of boys and dads to the event. BUT OH NO! Mommy is not going to miss a pit party. I know the truck names, drivers, whether or not there is a woman or man behind the wheel of the truck. I'm in to it, too (a closet Monster Truck fan). Pit Party ran from 2pm to 5pm. All of the trucks were parked outside the stadium to allow for autographs, photographs, souvenir purchases and the signing of crash cars. Grave Digger celebrated his 30th Anniversary and had a huge set up for signing and autographing. Bowen's highlight was getting Maximum Destruction's autograph. Brantley took over when it was show time:) Adding autographs to last year's Monster Truck shirt Signing the crash cars Bowen had the time of his life when the show started. He really enjoyed that he had his pack of friends close by.
awe! i didn't get any pics from this night, can you send me the one of evan and paul! so cute!