We've been talking about Santa since Halloween with Bowen. We read books about Santa, watch videos, and talk about what a jolly, friendly man he is. This, in hopes that Bowen would waltz right up to Santa and smile for a photo. It's all about strategy! I thought if Bowen saw Caroline in Santa's lap grinning ear to ear that he would warm up to the idea of sitting in a stranger's lap (a stranger with funny red and green clothing and white hair w/ a fluffy beard). HA!!!!!!!!! Silly me.
Before leaving for the mall, we sat down and wrote Santa Claus a letter. Boy did he hold tight to that letter. He was going to give that letter to someone. He tried to hand it to everyone we saw in the mall before seeing Santa. In his letter he asked for toys and NO clothes and stated that he had been a good boy all year. Bowen was quite content as we waited in line. He watched as Caroline took photos. Then it happened...Santa asked Bowen to sit in his lap. WHAAAAAAH!!!!!! The photographer and assistants did an amazing job distracting and making him smile. Kuddos to them!
Caroline meets Santa....

The photographer's assistant was dancing around so much to make Bowen smile that Caroline got super serious. I'm sure she was thinking...just smile brother. Make this guy stop acting like a fool.
The kiddos with St. Nick

Flying solo in Santa's lap

What do you mean you want to read my letter right now? (the sobbing returns)

Alright already....

Santa is such a good sport!
Caroline looks ADORABLE!! Poor Bowen, Santa can be pretty scary!! Love their outfits and so glad you got a pic with both of them with no tears :)!