Okay...I've done it again! I've loaded up my camera with pictures and haven't uploaded to my blog. Life has been so busy. I've got pictures of a birthday parties, a wedding, Davis being happy Davis, an Easter Egg hunt, kids in Easter clothes, swimming lessons, Caroline in her big girl bed (that's right...big girl bed). We've been super busy. No, let me rephrase that. I've been so busy that the last thing I want to do at night is hop on the computer. I'm coming around. Brantley is back in town (was in NY) and I should be able to have some more "me" time. YEAH!!!! Keep you posted.
We are on night 3 of Caroline in her big girl bed.
- 1 nap in 2 days (fighting naps and currently sleeping on the floor next to her bed..smart mommy has baby gate at her door)
- 1 night she was up until 10 pm talking and bouncing around her bed, yelling out "MOMMY", and then fell asleep at the baby gate and I transferred her to her bed
- 2 nights to bed by 7pm and slept until 7am
Why did we move her? She was hurdling the crib rail on several occasions. Her weight on the crib was causing the side rail to pop out. NICE! I really didn't want her breaking her arm or knocking out her teeth. Plus, the crib was borrowed and I didn't want her scratching it. Okay....I just wrote all of that to reassure me that I've done the right thing. Ummmmm...still not sure.
Meanwhile, my friend Catherine took these photos of Caroline on Tuesday. She emailed them to me so I had easy access to share with you. They are so cute I just had to share. They were taken at an a park in Windermere Downs. Caroline posted up on a big kid swing and hung there for most of the time. We also did an Easter Egg hunt with the play group. Fun times. Enjoy these!